Public Information

Do you have a need to provide information to the public? Most organizations do. Want to protect your agency?  We can train your staff to be proactive with communication through social media. 

We can help you find the right Public Information Solution for your situation.

Is your Emergency Operations Center ready for anything?  We can help make sure you’re ready to respond, whether it’s the next flood, fire, or other disaster.  Let us help develop your disaster preparation plan so you’re ready to respond quickly, making you the voice of truth the public can depend on with up to date and accurate information.

Does the media make you nervous?  We can help you develop talking points to give you the confidence to give a great interview.  Avoiding interview pitfalls is the key to getting your message out accurately.   We can educate about general tips and tricks for making the media your ally.

During an emergency, you need to stay ahead of the rumor-mill.  Let us help you develop press release templates to allow you to quickly provide accurate information to your public.