Let Us Help You With Your Community Forestry Needs

With decades of Professional Forestry experience, we can provide just what you are needing when it comes to anything from urban tree planning, to urban/community forestry, to tree risk assessment. Scroll down and then contact us so we can find the best Community Forestry Solution for you.

Hazard trees or high risk trees can present a unique challenge to property owners. While most of the time trees add value to a property, some trees can pose risks that the owner may determine are unacceptable. How do you know if a tree has risk? A tree can look “normal” but still be a hazard and you could be liable. We have years of experience assessing and dealing with hazard trees and assessing tree risk. We utilize the International Society of Aboriculture Tree Risk Assessment Qualification at Level 1, 2 and 3, but we are also trained in other hazard tree recognition methods as well. A phone call or email can get the discussion started today.

We can help with all aspects of urban and community forestry. Community tree inventories, tree planting plans, teaching you proper tree pruning, or dead tree autopsies, these are just a small sampling of what we can offer.

Unless a community has had a complete tree inventory, they may not know the full extent of their “urban tree canopy.” We can do this all in one contract or spread out over a few years to help with budget cycles. This can also apply to larger private land ownerships that have numerous trees that need attention. The possibilities in this category are almost endless, so call us to discuss your specific needs.

Did someone else cut or damage your tree?  Need to know the value added of the trees in your city park?  We can help. Whether we conduct a full inventory, or just address a single tree, we know that each tree is a value to you and will make sure you are satisfied with an in depth analysis. 

Does your tree look sick or have something growing on it, or under it, or are there bugs on the leaves? Are these just a normal part of nature or is there something really wrong with your tree? You need to know exactly what is going on before you can treat it, so rely on our experience to help you out. While some high quality photos sent to us in an email may get the job done, sometimes a site visit will be needed to be sure we are not missing something.